Vision Collision wants to make sure you know about an important crackdown happening on our roadways this year. Though Arizona enacted the
Move Over Law in 2005, we’ve been surprised at how many drivers still don’t know about it. Law Enforcement must be surprised, too, because Arizona Department of Public Safety has said that in 2014, they are focusing on cracking down on enforcing this law. On average, 29 people nationwide are killed on roadsides each month by drivers who don’t move over.
Arizona Law states that if safe, you must move over for
EVERY motorist that is on the side of the road. This includes law enforcement workers, emergency personnel, tow truck drivers, highway workers, and stranded motorists. If you can’t safely move over, you must slow down.
Doing your part to safely change lanes when you see a vehicle on the side of the road will help ensure the safety of those motorists, as well as keep you ticket-free. DPS has said fines for violating this law begin at $160.