Despite previous internet memes to the contrary, Today, October 21, 2015, actually IS Back to the Future Day and Vision Collision is celebrating! Perhaps it’s because we’re children of the 80s, but this day makes us giggle like kids! While Doc Brown’s future was slightly different than today’s reality (can you imagine what a pain it would be to repair and paint a flying car?), hover boards, 3D movies, and video chat are all real!
Marty and Doc didn’t see everything though! They never imagined that in the future, you could buy coffee for a friend with a phone you keep in your purse or pocket. At Vision Collision, we’re celebrating Back to the Future Day by doing just that! While we’d love to meet all of you in person and sit down for a cuppa Joe, we realize that’s not possible! So we’re doing the next best thing, and treating you from our office! Isn’t technology like totally awesome dude? What’s your favorite? Pumpkin Spice Latte? Black Coffee? Chai? Let your imagination run wild!
To participate is simple. All you have to do is
- Like Our Page on Facebook.
- Show the barcode below at any Starbucks and use it to pay for your favorite treat. Tell the Barista that Vision Collision in Tempe is treating you! (We’re buying the coffee. We’d love it if you could show your appreciation by helping us with a little shout out to boost our word of mouth advertising!)
- Post your drink or treat on your own Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter and Tag us. We’re VisionCollision on Instagram and VizCollision on Twitter.
- Bonus: If you were going to buy Starbucks today anyway, use your own money to Pay it Forward to someone else!