Vision Collision encourages you to call 800-222-4357 if you think you've had too much to drink and need a free ride home.
Despite its cute moniker, "tipsy" is drunk, as least as far as driving is concerned. Don't risk your own safety and the safety of others, a DUI charge, jail time, ignition interlock devices, and hefty legal fees by driving impaired this Memorial Day weekend.
AAA in many states is offering free rides home for impaired drivers. Store the number for the service in your state in your phone. In most participating states, the number is 800-AAA-HELP or 800-222-4357 but check the list below to verify. Use it if you think you've had too much to drink. Share it with a friend who might have had one too many. You do NOT need to be a member of the AAA program to use this service.
This program is offered several times throughout the year, including New Year's Eve, 4th of July, Superbowl Sunday, and other holiday/party weekends depending on the club so keep the number for future reference, too.
Enjoy your holiday this weekend, but stay safe.
List of participating states:
AAA Arizona 800-222-4357
California (Northern)
AAA Northern California: 800-222-4357
The Auto Club Tow to Go: 855-286-9246
The Auto Club Tow to Go: 855-286-9246
AAA Northern California, Nevada, Utah: 800-222-4357
Ohio (Lucas, Fulton, Wood, Henry, Williams, Defiance, Paulding and Ottawa counties)
AAA Northwest Ohio: 800-222-4357
Oklahoma (Metro Tulsa, Metro Oklahoma City, Shawnee, Tahlequah, Bartlesville, Enid, Muskogee, Ardmore and Lawton)
AAA Oklahoma: 800-222-4357
South Dakota:
AAA South Dakota: 800-222-4357
The Auto Club Tow to Go: 855-286-9246
AAA Northern California, Nevada, Utah: 800-222-4357
If your state is not listed here, you may wish to call your local AAA office to inquire about the service or suggest that they provide it.
Other states and locales have private companies that participate in similar programs for varying conditions and fees. To find a program for your area, click here to be taken to the AAA Sober Ride website.