As many as 75% of carseats are installed incorrectly, according to AAA. Death due to to improper use and installation of a car seat is completely preventable. Vision Collision has compiled a list of deadly car seat mistakes you could be making: Failure to Read Your Child Seat’s Manual Each and every manufacturer […]
Category: PSA
Vision Collision Debunks Insurance Company Repair Process Myths

Insurance Companies are a good and necessary part of the Collision Repair Industry and Vision Collision Tempe appreciates the service they offer. They protect you in an accident and help you get your vehicle back on the road. However, one area the vehicle owner can often suffer is during the repair process after an accident. […]
Vision Collision Tempe Offers Lifetime Written Warranty

There’s a movement among some independent auto repair facilities to denounce Insurance Company Authorized Repair Facilities (called DRPs, for Direct Repair Providers) and to unite against the entire concept of DRPs. DRPs are usually large shops in any given market. They have courted, or been courted by the various insurance companies and have contracted […]
Join Vision Collision in spreading the word about safe ride program, enter to win!

At Vision Collision, we believe strongly that Drunk Driving is 100% preventable. And we think we’re all part of the solution. To that end, we’ve partnered up with other Tempe businesses to get the word out about a great, free program offered by AAA Arizona to keep impaired drivers away from the wheel of a […]
8 Smartphone Apps Every Driver Needs

Put your Smartphone to work enhancing your driving experience*. Check out this list for our favorite smartphone apps for finding the best gas prices, locating parking, keeping abreast of traffic conditions, and documenting an accident. We’ve given each one a brief test, but if you don’t like it, each one has several competitors so investigate […]
Vision Collision Reminds You to Move Over-It’s the Law!
Vision Collision wants to make sure you know about an important crackdown happening on our roadways this year. Though Arizona enacted the Move Over Law in 2005, we’ve been surprised at how many drivers still don’t know about it. Law Enforcement must be surprised, too, because Arizona Department of Public Safety has said that […]
Free Memorial Day Weekend 2014 DUI Safe Ride Program in Many States 800-222-4357
Despite its cute moniker, “tipsy” is drunk, as least as far as driving is concerned. Don’t risk your own safety and the safety of others, a DUI charge, jail time, ignition interlock devices, and hefty legal fees by driving impaired this Memorial Day weekend. AAA in many states is offering free rides home for […]