We get it. Times are tough and pennies need pinching. It's hard to sock away money every month toward a service that you hope you'll never need to cash in on. Vision Collision would like to encourage you that Auto Insurance is one bill that you might not want to scrimp on. Similar to the home buying advice, "buy the smallest house in the best neighborhood," the principle of buying something small from the best is better than buying something huge from the worst is the same.
On paper, two policies from two competing companies may look the same. The amounts of coverage are the same, the deductibles are the same, the coverage and limitations are the same. Only the price is different. So, you elect to purchase the less expensive policy.
As is the case with many things in life, price is not the only important factor to consider when choosing your policy.
We have worked with dozens of insurance companies on hundreds of types of accidents caused by countless conditions and circumstances, involving innumerable types of vehicles. On the claims-processing side, all insurance companies are NOT created equal. The low cost, no frills, back-alley insurance companies can offer you deep discount rates because they're doing everything they can to cut corners when it's time to pay out on claims.
These shady, unethical companies will jerk you and your repair provider around, delaying claims, "losing" paperwork, failing to return phone calls, refusing to pay for standard industry-accepted items and services, attempting to require substandard parts, "short-sheeting" the estimate, paying less than the agreed upon amount, paying repair providers late or not at all, refusing to pay storage fees to release your vehicle if it's totaled, among other exploits. They may or may not have an adjuster available in your area in a timely manner, nor will they work hard to make sure the inspection is conducted in a manner that is convenient for you. If you ever need their legal representation assistance settling an accident-related issue through the court-system, we doubt you would receive Law School's best. You can be almost guaranteed that your coverage will go drastically up in cost or be dropped altogether in the event of a claim. A general rule of thumb is: if the television commercials are all cartoons, stay away from the company. They can't even hire actors to win your business, and it's just going to go downhill from there.
Eliminating all of the bargain bin companies leaves two general categories remaining: companies which offer policies through agents, and direct-buy companies that strive to save you money on premiums by eliminating agents.
In our experience, the majority of participants in both groups prioritize safe repairs and pay claims ethically and in a timely manner without insisting you (their insured) rub your belly and stand on your head at the same time.
The primary difference between these two companies is the existence of the Agent. A policy through an Agent will likely cost you a bit more than if you went directly to the website or 800 number of one of the other companies. However, the lack of an Agent could cost you on the back end by not having access to someone who can help you avoid costly mistakes in over or under coverage. In the event of an incident, an Agent can also answer questions for you pre-claims process, which may be able to help you avoid the claims process altogether. Calling a company directly, in some cases, opens a claim (and counts against you) regardless of if you ever collect on a claim. The decision then really becomes cash now or cash later. That's a decision only you can make based on your needs and budget.
When you do purchase a policy, be sure to read your coverage carefully to make sure you understand it. Explaining coverage is another area where an Agent can be an invaluable asset to you. If you don't have an agent, as a relative or trusted friend for a recommendation. Agents have to undergo strict legal licensing requirements to sell you a policy, so, unlike an operator on a phone, you can be confident that an Agent does understand the policy he or she is trying to sell you.
The bottom line is that in auto insurance, you really do get what you pay for. Saving a chunk of change on policy premiums doesn't help you if you are unable to easily use that policy in the event of an incident. Being unable to have your vehicle repaired in a timely manner to safe standards, all while wading through shady business practices and expending exorbitant amounts of time and hassle is hardly a bargain. Your vehicle is one of your most expensive investments. Vision Collision encourages you to protect it and the people inside it with thorough coverage from a legitimate company that will act with integrity if they need to pay out on a claim.